Resurrection Sunday Celebration at our house

This past Sunday was, for Christians, the most important of all the days in the year.  From the beginning, there was sin in our world and the only way to “pay” for that sin was to sacrifice an animal, usually a lamb, which would take on the sin and be sacrificed so that we could go on living.  But God chose to give us a better way…to reconcile us with Him so that we no longer have to sacrifice a lamb or go through priests.  The ultimate sacrifice was Jesus.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I am so proud of my son that he has learned this verse and that he understands the sacrifice Jesus made for him.  We shared Resurrection Eggs (thanks Grandma Z) with the kids and talked about the incredible suffering that Christ went through for us.  The wonderful things for my kids is knowing that Jesus did not stay dead, but just like Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days (my son made that connection too), he was raised from the dead.


Yes, we color eggs and our kids think the Easter bunny leaves plastic eggs with candy for them in our yard and we have so much fun trying to find all the eggs the Easter bunny left for us.



But our focus is on our Risen Savior.  My sons Bible verse from Sunday school is John 3:16 and I am so proud that he knows the verse and what it means for him.

I pray that Resurrection Day is not forgotten the other 364 days of the year.

